Sunday, April 12, 2009


Sacrament meeting in church with Isabelle is a kicker every week. Today was no different. She and I were quietly looking at a book (I was being quiet. The people sitting in front of us may beg to differ whether or not she was quiet) and it was an abc/first picture dictionary book. I pointed to a picture of a bicycle and said "Bicycle starts with B". Isabelle decided that repeating what I had said was not enough for her and started SINGING in her not quiet enough for sacrament meeting voice, "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike.... I want to ride my Bi-CYcle, I want to ride it; BI-cycle, BI-cyle!!" (a song by Queen, yes.) To Tara and Preston who were sitting in front of us, I sincerely apologize. :)