Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's a Loser thing

We all have our favorite shows that we're endeared to, right? Ones that we can't live without, that we have to record (yes, some of us still have and use VCRs) if we're going to be gone, that we cry about and laugh about and heaven forbid anyone get us talking about? Well, mine is "Biggest Loser".

Ok, I need to vent about last night's show for a second. I just need to talk it out. Lol I've been watching this show since the very very beginning and every single season I'm filled with awe and inspiration to watch these total strangers change their lives. I feel as if I know them by the end of the show. I usually cry in every episode, always in the first, and always in the last. I'm a dork, I know. I've only had one season that I didn't like and that was last season's, and it was ruined for me by Vicky, Ed and Heba, the biggest game players the Loser house has ever seen. ANY rate... (I have the tendancy to ramble. Sorry. You'll get used to it. Either it will become endearing or annoying.) so last night was a love/hate show. I hated hated hated that the teams got switched around. I bawled (yes, literally was bawling. Ask Wade. He didn't know what to do with me Lol) when Bob was consoling and comforting his lost team members. I've never in all my years of watching this show seen Bob so lost like that. And yes, I understand that things need to get shaken up (is shaken even a word? maybe it's shook) now and then to get everyone out of their comfort zones, kinda like a bishop suddenly deciding to reorganize all his auxilaries, but last night was a killer. But then during the 24-hour challenge on the bikes- when Sione pulled both exhausted teams together and said "Let's DO this thing!" (I may have ad-libbed a little) I knew that things had been done for the right reasons. Wade pointed out that it was a team-building challenge. And it totally was. I can't wait to see what happens tonight at the weigh-in and see how much shaking things up has affected them.

Thanks for listening. :) You can go back to your lives now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

So so sick...

Oh what a weekend this has been. Three-fourths of my children are sick. And this isn't "oh my tummy hurts and I don't want to go to church" sick. This has been 102 degree fevers, laying on the couch for two days doped up on Motrin and cough syrup sick. My poor kids have been living on popsicles and Gatorade for the past few days. It all started with Ethan on Thursday night/Friday morning and it's been so interesting literally watching it cycle from kid to kid. I've lost track of the number of movies we've watched. We even watched the original Hayley Mills "Parent Trap" today. What a great show! Either I'm really tired or really sentimental cuz when the twins both told the dad they found each other and he was so touched, I started to cry. Hahaha Yeah, I think I need some sleep. :) The funniest thing about all this sickness is that Isabelle (the three-year-old) is healthy as a horse and totally making everyone crazy running around and wanting someone to play with. Lol

Bring lots of casseroles. :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

Sound of Music

A year ago, this same weekend, we opened "Sound of Music" at the Terrace Plaza Playhouse. This show was a complete blast and I just wanted to say Happy Anniversary to all my "SoM" peeps! Love you guys! Enjoy the pics!

Me as Maria. This was honestly the hardest role I'd ever played. It was my dream role!

The nuns rocked the house and could sing like you wouldn't believe.

Meeting the kids for the first time. :) Aren't they adorable? The Captain was played by Russ Murdock, and this was his first show! He was great! And yet, a little scary... Hehehe

Attempting to fake-play the guitar, remember the words to "Do-Re-Mi", not fall off the couch, not bang anyone in the head with the guitar, and sit modestly so no one on the front row saw more than they came for. :P

I'm really praying to help remember all the words in the prayer...

This was one of my favorite scenes, being "My Fav Things", ironically enough, cuz we got to jump on the bed! Thanks for the brakes, Brent!

In "Lonely Goatherd" the kids worked all the puppets- they were awesome!

Kudos to Annie Ferrin (in the blue snazzy dress in the front, dancing with El Capitan)- she played the other Maria and she was phenomenal- Love you Annie! Thanks for putting up with me!

Russ was hilarious- he'd either eat BBQ chips right before this scene, or put a mint in. Hahaha Thanks Russ. :) And the blushing bride... Those shoes were too big and I felt like a Clydesdale clomping around on stage.

Me with Jane and Aaron- two fantastic actors! I love them both a ton and literally bawled the last night realizing it was my last night to sing with Janey. Oh lands, knock your socks off, that girl! And singing "Cuckoo" with the kids.

So hard saying goodbye- I cried every night when the nuns started to sing "Climb Every Mountain". It was a great show!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day fun

We had a fun Valentine's Day! The kids got some great big stuffed animals:

(didn't you always want one of those as a kid?)

While Abby and I went to see "Beauty and the Beast" at Woods Cross Highschool with some friends, Wade and the kids took advantage of the newly fallen snow!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Watching kids watch the sunrise

Well... I was trying to come up with something exciting to be my first post and all, but I didn't break a toe or anything - so this will have to do. This morning as I was fixing breakfast, I mentioned to the kids that the sun was just about ready to rise over the mountain. They all ran to the front window to watch this amazing event. I know - it's something that happens everyday, but watching their fascination with this is something only kids could cherish so much!

Valentines... to fast and pray or not?

I had to laugh at my kids while they were making valentines for the kids in their classes. They would look at the child's name, go over each separate valentine to see which message was best, and appropriate, taking the friendship into consideration. Don't want to give another elementary student of the opposite sex the wrong idea, or anything. You want them to know that you can be friends, but yes, you still have cooties. And then I remembered doing the same exact thing when I was in elementary! Except back then we would put our valentines in little envelopes and put in candy hearts with the messages on them. I remember specifically putting ones in David Hadley's envelope that said 'I love you' and 'hug me' and 'UR the best'. I even remember one year being so bold as to put one in that said 'kiss me'. Alas, he was a boy, and never even probably read them. So here's to unrequited elementary-school-crushes! Cheers! And Happy Valentines!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's the little breaks

So yes, my toe is broken. Monday morning I was hurrying through the kitchen and smacked my toe against a chair leg. Usually I can walk this off in a few minutes (yes, it happens quite often. I actually can't go throughout a day without smacking toes or fingers or something...) but this time there were tears and a few muttered phrases which shall not be repeated, and I found that walking on it or moving the pinky toe made me flinch in pain. And of course, it's the pinky toe. I was tough, of course, cuz that's how I was raised, and yet the pain wouldn't go away. By Tuesday it was a lovely assortment of colors- black, blue, green, purple, and so swollen that I was doing the "Quasimodo-walk" (walk this way.... sorry, only funny to me and my dad). Today I decided to have it looked at cuz it still wasn't feeling better. Long story short (too late), the large bone in my pinky toe is broken. Guess what they do for broken toes? Pretty much nothin. Haha

They did give me some pretty purple tape to "buddy-tape" it. He almost gave me baby blue. Ick. I said "after the day I've been through I think I deserve the color I want." Haha I'm such a stink. Notice how cute my other toes are, by the way. :)

He then gave me a cute little boot to wear (out in public!!) to help my poor little toes not arch so much when walking. Yeah. Today. In the snow. And slush. That's not helping my poor little toes stay dry! I can't believe how sexy it is and how great it'll look when I go dancing. :P

Good times. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

In the eyes of a child

Last night we watched To This End Was I Born for Family Home Evening, which is a story about the last days of Jesus Christ's life. It showed from the Last Supper, to the Garden in Gethsemane, to His crucifixion and resurrection. During the parts where the Roman soldiers were placing the crown of thorns on His head, when they whipped Him, and placing Him on the cross, my sweet little 3-year old Izzy kept saying, "How could they DO that to Him?" We didn't have an answer.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Abby and the Bee

Today was Abby's spelling bee at her school. We studied all weekend and she did great! She made it to the fourth round- we were so proud of her! I was very impressed by how well the kids could spell. I think I'm going to start going to spelling bees... it was really exciting!

First blog :)

Hello one and all! Yes, we decided to jump the band wagon and start a blog! Hopefully this blog will make you laugh, put a smile on your face, and help keep you updated with our lives. I (Lindy) will mostly be blogging but Wade (my sweet hubby) will be adding his two cents now and then. :) Enjoy and feel free to drop us a line!