Wednesday, October 14, 2009


The other day the kids were discussing what it would be like if we used real wolves in my production of "Beauty and the Beast", instead of the safer version of people dressed up in wolf costumes. Izzy's comment to that was, "That would freak me out. Like REALLY freak me out!"

I picked her up from preschool one day only to notice her crazy hair. I commented on it, knowing full well that I had styled it quite stylishly before school, and asked where her barette was. Her exasperated answer was "that barette was driving me crazy!"

One night she was playing with the Polly Pockets (smaller version of Barbies, just for your gee whiz file) and after getting one dressed commented matter-of-factly to Wade, "These clothes are not modest. They're not going to cover her garments at all." :)

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