Friday, January 13, 2012

December part 2 :)

December fun!! One of our favorite new traditions is to make and decorate gingerbread houses and trains. I love seeing how creative everyone can be! Word of advice, though. Don't eat the frosting. Bleh bleh bleh.

Apparently our frosting was not up to building standards... an hour later they looked like they'd been through an earthquake. Haha :)

This is what the kids left out for Santa and his reindeer. Popcorn, carrots, goldfish, pistachios, a snickerdoodle cookie, a mug of milk, and a cup of apple juice. Surrounding the plate of goodies were notes from the kids explaining the snacks and asking Santa questions about how reindeer fly, what he does during the summer, and how old he is. :)

Christmas Day. All dressed in their finery for church :) and then back in jammies after church to open presents.

The three older kids got Kindles from my parents. As you can tell, this was a MAJOR excitement factor. Haha!

A few days after Christmas we went down to see the lights at Temple Square. They were absolutely amazing!! My favorite were the blue ones. They made everything pop!!

We hope your Christmas was just as fun! Here's to 2012!!

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