Thursday, December 24, 2009

Weird dream Grand Central Station

I have by far the strangest dreams when I'm really really tired. Considering last night was strike for "Christmas Carol" we didn't get to bed til about one this morning.... Hahaha

Ok, so I dreamt that I had to have some surgery, and for some reason I was at South Davis Community Hospital, and they don't do surgeries there. Any rate, so I check in and the lady says, "Do you have someone to come pick you up after?" and I'm like "No, I just thought I'd wait til the anesthsia wore off and then I'd drive myself home." She then gives me the address of where I'll be recovering.... I drive there and it's this furniture store, but they only sell lumpy matresses. And they're in the process of setting up for a wedding in the side room. And everyone there was a member of this weird "New Worm World" religion, and they had to get into the worm pose, which was like being bent over as if you had a really bad stomachache. And supposedly I was to wait there until the EMTs came and picked me up for my surgery. So there I sat, with my Mary Poppins bag on my lap, watching all these people sit in the worm position....

I must've rolled over cuz the dream changed and now I was in my mom and dad's house and I was in my old bedroom and people kept stacking shoes on the window sill. The doorbell rang and it was these two ladies carrying huge trays of little bowls of ice cream that they were giving out to everyone. And my dad sat and talked to them for so long that the ice cream started melting, and all I could think about was all this melted ice cream.... Then I was on the phone with my "Bob" (my counter-part-hubby in "Christmas Carol this year) and my mom talked to him for like 20 minutes and then Abby talked to him for 20 minutes and then I got back on the phone and he was asleep. Haha And at the same time all this was going on I was sorting out DMC floss for cross-stitch, and I couldn't tell the difference between all the colors..... LOL!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Beauty and the Beast" pics

I thought I'd finally share some pics from "Beauty and the Beast"- sorry I've been a little slow on the uptake! This show was so much fun to be in- I made a ton of new friends and am so grateful for my director for casting me! A lot of the people that were cast are some of the "Playhouse elite" meaning they've been doing shows up there forever and are some of the best!! It was so fun to rub shoulders with them and get to know them better. :) And it doesn't hurt to get my name in with theirs, eh? Hahaha :) Enjoy!

The person at the bottom of the stairs is me, in a vase costume. Yes, those are flowers on my head. Haha That costume was so awkward to walk around in! I had to literally walk like Morticia Adams (the Adams family, c'mon people!) and couldn't see my feet AT ALL. On closing night some people who shall remain nameless (yes, my director was one of them) tipped me over to see what would happen. LOL! Yeah, I had to lay there til they picked me back up. ;)

This is me dressed as a napkin- on the far left. We had two fabulous women that played Belle- the one in this pic happened to be Annie, whom I was privileged enough to play Maria with in "Sound of Music". Love that lady!

My friend Kristi- a fellow napkin!

Going on a mob hunt- we never actually killed the Beast, though kudos to us for trying every night for 26 shows.....

Me dressed as a napkin (seriously LOVED that costume- I felt like a Las Vegas dancer!!) with my friend Bree- I think she's a rug, or a table runner.... not totally sure on that one. Hahaha
Gaston attempting to swan dive off the bench whilst singing about decorating with antlers. :) I think I'm looking at Lefou, since he's not in the pic but was on stage.... either that or someone had ice cream.... ;)

This was one of our cast pics- the other Belle, actually! (love ya Jordie!) Funnest show I've ever done!! Really! :)