The craziness of December - in parts. And probably to be continued. :)
Isabelle turned six at the beginning of December. Wow that went by fast!! She got some crazy leggings, a Belle wig, and a Tangled barbie that sings just enough of the song from the movie to get it stuck in your head for the rest of the day. :D
This gorgeous girl got her Christmas, birthday and graduation presents for the next several years all wrapped into the gift that will just keep giving - braces!! Yay!! She only had four put on top and four on the bottom - the ortho said he wants some teeth to move around first to give a little more room. She looks so grown up and teenagerish with them!!

Wade was part of the "Pay-it-Forward" committee this year at work. It has another, more professional title, but I can't remember it for the life of me. He and some co-workers each took separate groups to help out at Christmas time, and Autoliv gave them the money to help. Like one lady took a battered woman's shelter in Kaysville, one guy helped out with Christmas box house, places like that. Wade had two groups - one group that takes non-perishable food items into people that need food, and the other group is the Frodsham family in Farmington that have been helping homeless people at Christmas time for over 20 years. They set up their backyard with campfires, trees decorated with hats, gloves, socks, and scarves. Last year there was over 700 homeless people that they helped. They feed them soup, give them a coat, let them pick stuff off the trees, and give them a gift. And all of it is donated. It was amazing. The two pictures at the top were 40 pairs of sweats, wrapping paper, boxes, and toys that we donated. The pic on the left bottom is the food, and the pic on the right is their warehouse full of donated items. Toys, clothing, blankets, hats, scarves, etc. I wish we could have been there to hand out items, but we had other engagements. We decided next year we want to spend the year making blankets to hand out, and raise even more money to help out somehow. It was awesome!

These are my new three dancing queens. :) They had their first dance recital and did awesome!!! I was so super proud of them and my new calling in life is that of "crazy dance mom". My new goal in life is to get them into Miss Dede's advanced dance class when they're in highschool. They were so good!!
To be continued I'm sure!!!