Monday, April 19, 2010

Easter weekend and then some

This was the Easter egg hunt with Wades' work- Ethan won a bike and Olivia won a dvd!! A lot better than what I remember getting as a kid..... Hahaha

Ethan got stitches after he had a pyogenic granuloma removed from his lip. We just told people he got it from kissing too many girls!!

Easter finery:

Family picture!! This was Ethan's birthday actually. :)

My parents with all the grandkids- the boy on my mom's lap is my sister's son Brock. They live in Idaho Falls (Ammon actually) and we went to visit them over Easter weekend. It was really just cuz they have a giant flatscreen tv and we wanted to watch General Conference and feel like we were really there. :) Hehehe

Killing, I mean Dyeing Easter eggs. Can't have an Easter weekend without killing a few dozen eggs, eh?

Checking out the goods, seeing if there's anything worth stealing later on.

Setting up the new trampoline that my wondrous parents gave us for Christmas!! (this was a couple of days ago actually)

I had to be the first one to try it out. Yeah, I had to pee afterwards.

Two buddies :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's all in my head

I wish you could read the blog that goes on in my head all day long. I have all these ideas I want to blog about and by the time I finally find time to sit and blog about them, they're gone. And I speak so eloquently in my head too. Everything makes sense, is super hilarious, and flows naturally. Yeah, not so much once I start typing. Lol

Things are crazy and busy as ever in the Page household. Wade's new calling (second counselor in the stake presidency for those of you who are just joining us) is keeping him a lot busier and gone a lot more than we thought it would. I'm going to be super-duper-lay-it-all-out-for-you-here: I'm having a hard time with it. I thought it would be so easy to get back into the routine of him being gone again, but I'm not. I really enjoyed those three years of freedom that I had.... probably too much. Haha And even though the kids are older and it should be easier, it's not. It's harder cuz they understand that he's doing what the Lord wants him to, but they don't understand why he can't sit with us anymore in sacrament meeting, let alone come to church with us, and really? he has meetings again?? Yeah... I know the schpiel, the blessings we receive are ten-fold, but sometimes it's just hard. I'm good now. Thanks. :)

Other stuff going on- I'm trying to be a better mom and get the kids more active. I get so frustrated when all they do is fight over who gets to play on the computer and what show they get to watch on tv. I tried teaching piano lessons.... that's a SLOW and frustrating process.... We did really well for a little while but again it's really hard to try and teach/sit by a child while they practice, get homework done, and get dinner on the table all at the same time. The kids did really well though! Livi is going to be my sightreader- she could just sit down and totally fake her way through. Ethan is my 'everything has to be perfect before I start playing a note' child. Abby loves to play, but LOATHES to practice. Lol To each his own, eh?

The kids have been loving this nice weather- they're riding their bikes like crazy and playing outside as much as possible! Even now as I type this it's ten minutes past bedtime and I can't get them to come in. :) I've been loving it too cuz I've started jogging!! I know!! Shocking!! I started last week and could only run about half a mile. Yesterday I did two and a half miles!! I love it! I can't believe how good I feel afterwards and how I love getting away for that 30 minutes or so. I want to run a 5K this summer- hopefully a bunch of them. Lol Any rate- thank goodness for nice weather!

I don't really know what the point of this blog was.... maybe just to get some stuff out of this steel trap I call a brain... :) Thanks for listening.